Friday 26 April 2019

Family Friday (vol. 94): Springtime Happenings

Ahhh…Happy Friday! There’s no real plans on the agenda this weekend other than some hockey. Administrative hockey business, that is. Yours truly was selected to be a captain (sad that *I* am the most organized person they could find) this summer and the captain meeting is tonight, followed by the draft tomorrow night. I feel like I’m significantly underpaid with all of this PRESSURE! 😉

Another thankless job? PODCASTING. Heavens. We are officially up and running on Dietitian’s Dish Podcast – our website to accompany our budding podcast. The site is in the works aesthetically, but we officially have 12 episodes streaming and we’re pretty proud of all that we’ve accomplished. Between hosting the actual podcast and then adding a website and then editing…we’re forking over LOTS of money a month. We would love your input to make our show grow and thrive and get better and better. Please listen in, leave a comment, and if you want to follow along on social media, please find us @dietitiansdishpodcast!

Mark and I are signed up to do a pub run tomorrow, except it’s looking like 40’s and rain. So, I may sit this one out and hop on the Peloton instead. I skipped my workout on Thursday morning for no reason other than being lazy. I knew I was tied up that evening and if I was to get in a workout…it had to be in the morning. I am still beating myself up over being so lazy. Morning workouts can be such a mental game for me. A game I sometimes win and sometimes lose. I’ll do better next week!

Shea started t-ball last night and it was so cute to watch! My friend is her coach and Piper’s teacher’s husband (follow that?) is her assistant coach. And it’s the assistant coach’s daughter who is Shea’s little bestie from school. If you’re totally confused, it’s okay – so is Mark. No one has a clue what’s going on but the coaches did phenomenal and the kids could not have been cuter. After 50 minutes of the hour-long practice, Shea was much more interested in the playground. But, I guess that’s age appropriate and I mean, what kid doesn’t love a new park to explore? Needless to say, she’s not heading to the big leagues just yet, but I hope she finds the short (but demanding) t-ball season to be memorable and fun.

Piper is continuing to work on potty training. We aren’t doing ourselves any favors by switching between pull-ups and panties depending on our whereabouts, but she’s doing really well with it regardless. She nearly has #1 down (that kid can hold it forever and wakes up dry every morning!) but #2 will be a struggle, I do believe. I guess time will tell. If it doesn’t happen before Memorial Day weekend, we’ll probably use that long weekend to break her completely of pull-ups. Until then, we may continue to feel as though we live in a litter box at times. Par for the course, I imagine.

We’re gearing up for summer and there may be some online shopping going on. Is anything cuter than little girl summer dresses?! NOPE. The cutest. I also splurged on 2 Peloton tanks (I’m such a follower) and a Kate Spade beige purse that will double as my Mother’s Day gift. I’m telling myself that taking the pressure off my family is really the THOUGHTFUL thing to do. Amirite or what? I only wish someone would do that for me – I’m undeniably the WORST gift giver ever and for that reason, my dad got only a carrot cake this year. Which he then shared with 10 other people. Man, was it good!

Tomorrow would be Lily’s 10th birthday. We put baby girl down just shy of a year ago and we still miss her every single day. Harlie is a sweetheart (most of the time…) but our house still feels a bit incomplete without Lily girl. We’ll be sure to sing her happy birthday, knowing she will hear us in heaven.

Throw at me some quick and easy dinner recipes! T-ball is going to have us on the move and I’m going to need to whip out kitchen superhero powers to make life crank along this spring. Appreciate it and thank you in advance!

Has anyone ever been to Bermuda? I saw someone’s Instagram pics from there and I’m currently obsessed with the idea of going there despite knowing nothing other than the color of the water. Lake life better come quickly because I’m itching for another vacation ASAP!

Okay, friends. Time for happy hour. The meeting before the meeting. I like those kinds of meetings.

Be well,

from Prevention RD
via Heart Based Marketing

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