Friday 16 October 2015

Inspiration: Melissa Ambrosini


Name: Melissa Ambrosini

Where do you live? My husband and I split our time between Sydney and Noosa (Australia).

What sparked your interest in health and wellness? Back in 2010, I fell very ill and was hospitalised. I was unwell and unhappy and I needed to sort my life out. When the doctors plonked a bunch of drugs in front of me as the ‘solution’ to my health issues, I knew it wasn’t enough for me, so I enrolled to study holistic nutrition and began the process of turning my life around. After that, I went on to study life coaching, meditation, AcuEnergetics and yoga and have never looked back. Then, when I finally got myself happy and healthy, I knew I wanted to help others do the same.

How did you build your passion for healthy living into a career? I started with a blog — sharing my passions, and working one-on-one with clients doing health and life coaching. From there it has organically grown into my dream business where I am an author, self-love teacher and speaker. MA continues to grow daily and I am blown away by the beautiful souls we get to come into contact with, such as yourself, Ella 😉

Who inspires you? Jess Ainscough was and still is my biggest inspiration. She was the original reason I started a blog. She has taught me so much about life and I will forever be grateful for that. Today, even though her physical body is no longer here, she continues to inspire me to be more, to reach further, to choose love, to take the leap, and to dig a little deeper (even when I don’t want to). She is the shiniest of stars and is constantly guiding me back home to my truth.

Favourite quote? I love this quote by the amazing Marianne Williamson: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

What is your biggest achievement so far? There are so many things I am super proud of, from things such as making the daily choice to choose love over fear, to marrying my soul mate in 2014. I am also super proud of things like officially becoming a step mama to the most divine little angel, having the balls to follow my heart and start my dream business, dancing at the Moulin Rouge in Paris, creating all sorts of products and live events over the years, meditating daily, writing my first book, and landing a deal with my dream publishing house.


What’s your typical… This changes all the time and I hesitate to share the specific details because I feel people get too caught up in what other people eat and forget  to tune in and listen to their own body’s innate wisdom. However, I will share what I have been eating this week, which is different from last week and will be different to next…

On waking:

Glass of water with lemon

Cup of warm bone broth


Green juice or green smoothie

Morning tea:

Water and bone broth


Protein and vegetables and/or salad

Afternoon tea:

Water or a herbal tea


Protein and vegetables and/or salad


What’s your favourite dessert? Crosby Tailor’s ‘ice creams’. Holy smokes, they’re delicious!

What’s the best recipe you’ve ever made? Anything from my new ebook The Glow Kitchen. I am super proud of every single recipe in this book and think they all rock, but if I had to narrow it down, my favourites are probably the Melt-In-Your-Mouth Indian Spiced Lamb Shoulder, which is so hearty and delicious, followed by the Lemon Curd Pie (decadent and indulgent, but still full of nutrients — drool!).

Where do you get the inspiration from to create so many awesome recipes? I get really inspired when I am cooking with my husband and little man. We are always in the kitchen together creating, having fun, and making new things. I also get inspired by other people’s recipes and love to experiment with how I can make them healthier and more nourishing.

What are the ingredient you can’t live without? Coconut oil.

Where are your favourite places to eat? In Sydney, I love Billy Kwong, Chiswick or Henley’s Wholefoods. In Noosa, I love Ricky’s.

What do you do to stay active? I aim to do some form of movement every day, whether that’s a walk in the park or along the beach, yoga, or a barre class. My aim is to just do something, with the emphasis on the ‘every day’ part — even if that just means a super quick mini-sesh at home. This morning I did 15 minutes of yoga in my lounge room.

What is your beauty routine? I am very simple when it comes to beauty. I take off my makeup with coconut oil and I wash my face with warm water and a face washer, that’s it!

Do you have any favourite natural skin care products or awesome beauty recipes? I love using organic coconut oil on my body and as a makeup remover.

Where’s your favourite place in the world? Usually somewhere hot, on a beach, with my two boys.

What makes you happy? Life. Mother Nature. The work I get to do in the world. Yoga. Meditation. My team. Love. Kisses. My family. My soul sisters. Reading.

Describe your perfect day Waking up overlooking the ocean to the sound of the waves. Meditating with my honey. Moving my body in a loving way. Sharing a beautiful breakfast with my darling and little munchkin. The morning would be much like today — doing work I love, creating game-changing products, inspiring my tribe, and collaborating with people I love. Lunch would be a picnic on the beach with my team and boys whilst the sun beamed on our faces. The afternoon would be for adventures like bush walks, ocean swims, painting, creating, writing, reading, climbing trees… whatever our hearts desired. Dinner would be shared with everyone I love around one big table, designed beautifully with candles and magical fairy-lights above us. The evening would be spent sitting around sipping tea, listening to my man play music and sing.

Do you have any favourite tips and tricks to stay healthy and happy everyday? Be mindful of your Mean Girl (a.k.a. your ego), she will plant seeds of doubt whenever she can and she lives in a constant state of fear. Don’t listen to her, and remember: she is not your truth; love is. And you can choose love over fear in any moment (there’s always a choice!).


The post Inspiration: Melissa Ambrosini appeared first on Deliciously Ella.

from Deliciously Ella
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