Friday 27 October 2017

Family Friday (vol. 58): From Summer to Winter

I was fortunate enough to attend the 100th annual Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo in Chicago last week. It was awesome to see old RD friends from undergrad, learn lots of new stuff, and hangout with my parents in my childhood home, sans children. We do a good job of clearing of our schedules of everything but visitors in the summer months and these past few weeks have been nothing but B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Work has been crazy, the kids have been crazy (fall birthdays!), the travel has been crazy (I mean, pitty those that have to go to Scottsdale for their bestie’s bachelorette party!). I feel like I haven’t been home and I feel like my eating and exercise are all out of whack…in a really bad way.

Of course I’m now sick, so then there’s that. I have this really unsexy, raspy voice. Hawt.

Fortunately, we have no other plans this weekend other than to assemble Shea’s BIG GIRL bed, Trick or Treat, have a date night in, and take Shea to her first PRINCESS BALLERINA class. Oh, my soul. Please send up prayers for the 3-year-old who wants to be Elsa. Do I admit that I’ve watched numerous YouTube videos on how to recreate Elsa’s braid? Uh huh. We’ll see about that.

In finally sitting down to blabber on about life, I also realized I never shared our most recent family pictures and the girls’ 1 year and 3 year pictures. On the beach. Just a few weeks ago. When it was WARM. Sigh. It could snow tomorrow…what is up? Other than it’s almost November. In Michigan. Minor details, people. I almost forgot how incredible leggings were! And my new black chunky heel booties? SO CUTE.

We got a Trader Joe’s! It’s 45 minutes away, BUT…we got a Trader Joe’s! (Kind of, anyway. I agree.)

Shea is absolutely hilarious. I need to do a better job of writing everything down. As we “napped” together the other day, I closed my eyes only to have her rubbing my face. I opened my eyes. She promptly says, “You don’t need to wake-up, mama. I’m just petting you.” Well okay then. Pet on.

Piper is still refusing to make a habit of sleeping through the night. FOR THE LOVE! She’s going on 14 months. But if I haven’t died of exhaustion yet, it’s probably unlikely to happen now. I mean, she does sleep through the night often…just not often enough. Plus she does other awesome things like nap for 3 1/2 hours in the afternoon…and this mama who works from home on Fridays GREATLY appreciates that little trick of hers. She is also obsessed with food and eats basically everything I throw at her. The 3-year-old? Notsomuch. But she does have a very diverse carbohydrate palate and loves fish, so I’ll count my blessings as far as that goes.

Piper LOVES to say “uh oh” and “nigh nigh” (night, night). When she blows a kiss, you’ll met into a mushy puddle of adoration. She gets almost as excited about nap and bedtime as she does meal time. My kind of woman, what can I say? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with that little blondie. Speaking of…how cute is that crazy blonde hair? She’s also Mark’s clone, right?

I’m still doing my Shelly Dose workouts on YouTube. I still love/hate her soooo much. If I can walk properly tomorrow, I may just let her beat me up again this week.

It’s crazy to even think how close the holidays are. There, I said it. I’m thinking about all things gifts, baking, and am already lusting after Paula Deen’s homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning. Heaven on earth, I tell you! That said, I do plan to scale back the baking. Pinterest and I will just need to take a little hiatus because I seem to add things very readily to keep the balance of cookies, candy, chocolate, toffee, and frosting just right. 😉 Oh, and peanut clusters and fudge, of course. Sigh.

I’m thinking about writing a E-BOOK? Nothing crazy (think short pdf), but some ideas I have floating around include 30-minute meals, nutrition for kids, and diabetes sample menus. Any thoughts on this? Would you read it? What topics entice you?

That’s all the randomness I’ve got for today – Happy Friday and have a super weekend!

Be well,

from Prevention RD
via Heart Based Marketing

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