Friday 22 January 2016

Family Friday (vol. 3): The Kitchen Helper

Family Friday vol 3

It was a good week. It went fast and daycare was only canceled one day due to snow. You guys, is it May yet? Nothing like paying daycare tuition only to have to 1. find an available babysitter for the day and then 2. pay good money for said babysitter. But, as a mother who is not cut from the stay-at-home-mom cloth, this is just part of the gig.

We’re finally in a routine of wearing hats when we leave the house, so much so that Shea is near meltdown if she’s not wearing a hat. Ooooooookay.

She loves snow, but hasn’t figured out that if she touches it, her hands will be cold and wet. And then she cries.

She’s getting more and more proficient eating with a fork and drinking from a glass. But I think she’ll demand bottles until she gets a driver’s license…

I’ve decided to go to a 50/50 mix of unsweetened almond milk or cashew milk and whole cow’s milk. Since the girl is obsessed with bottles and milk, I figured this was a good way to calorie-control. I do believe she has her mother’s metabolism (I so hope I’m wrong) and she’s a very good eater, loving dairy products such as cheese and yogurt. Her stats at her 15 month check-up: 31 1/2 inches (81st %ile) and 27 lbs 1 oz (97th %ile). Plus, every resource I consult on how much milk a toddler should be intaking is different and it’s driving me insane. Pediatrics is not my nutrition expertise and I think common sense goes a long way with this one – each child is different.

Shea is a carb-a-holic (but also a serious carnivore). Confirmed by daycare. One night she chucked every last pieces of broccoli off her plate and onto the floor before proceeding with eating her meal. Sigh. But, she housed some peas last night. I just need to hold on tight for this vegetable roller coaster.

This week, I did a good job of choosing quick and easy meals. Shea LOVED goulash.  Oh my word. She had it head to toe by the end of the meal. Literally. See the image in the top right of the collage (^^). Any pasta dish has been an absolute hit.

The one thing I didn’t do well this week was photograph our meals. I made Cubans and they were really good, but I just didn’t feel like photographing the dinner. And we ate them. The night I made goulash, I just forgot to take photos. I made the dinner early for Shea to enjoy and left it on the stove for Mr. Prevention and I for later and yep…then it was 9pm. I’ll be remaking it ASAP :)

Shea Kitchen Helper

Our newest find to make mealtime easier was Shea’s new Kitchen Helper! You all gushed over this on Instagram, so I figured it was time to share on the blog. Our friends have one for their girls and I’ve had my eye on one since before Shea was even born. Shea loves it – she can see what I’m doing in the kitchen…without being on my hip or worse, sitting on the counter. I can keep knives and such out of reach. Involving her in the meal making process will only help encourage her vegetable consumption, too! The Kitchen Helper is a preferred distraction to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse when I need to get things done in the kitchen… and a new way for me to spend more time with her!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Be well,


from Prevention RD
via Heart Based Marketing

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