Friday 14 February 2020

Family Friday (vol. 107): Empty Threats

Obviously, it’s Friday. I work from home on Fridays and have been doing so successfully for several years. It works because 1. I already struggle working full-time with 2 littles and 2. my girls are pretty darn independent. We’re in a groove and they know the drill. I tend to get more caught up on Fridays than I do any other day of the week and frankly, I can enjoy my weekend MUCH more knowing that Monday morning will suck a little less. Fortunately, health care does a pretty good job of not filling people’s email inboxes over the weekends, but tying the week up a bit is always helpful. I joke that the days at work that I have NO meetings or patients (rare) are always, without fail, my most chaotic days. I should breathe a sigh of relief when those days present, but they just make me cringe and brace myself for the crazy.

Anyway, Fridays at home with the girls are good and productive, but in order to be productive my tactics have had to change over the years. I used to rely on nap time, but now neither of my girls nap. The iPad certainly comes in handy, but I reserve that for when I have calls or meetings that I need to hop on. Today, they had a short Valentine’s Day party at school and then tonight, they’re going to my friend’s house for Parents’ Night Out. Given that our dinner reservation isn’t until 7:30pm and they’re normally in bed by 8…I threatened them saying that if they didn’t nap/have a rest period, they wouldn’t get to go. It started well and lasted about 90 minutes, but neither of them napped. And trust me, they’re still going tonight. Mama needs a break. Empty threats – I won’t get away with them for much longer!

We took Shea to watch a 10 and under youth hockey game last weekend. She really enjoyed it! I later asked her if she’d like to play hockey some day and she promptly put her hands on her hips and said, “Mom, I don’t even move!”. Her skating is…slow. And she hasn’t made much progress in the…6 sessions she’s completed, but she’s darn cute out there trying! We’ll see if either of my girls follow in mama’s footsteps playing hockey. I’d love for them to (obviously), but I support whatever passions they have — currently those passions would include stickers, art, swimming, and the game of Uno.

We’re trying to plan spring break. Yes, we’re a bit late to this planning process. No kids, no idea where to go. Everything from the Maldives to Jamaica to Cabo to Tahiti have been thrown out as options. Any suggestions for us? πŸ™‚

I’m obsessed with sweaters from Aerie. I feel 19 saying that, but they’re super cute and super affordable. I spent way too long on Wednesday (day the sweaters arrived) trying to figure out if I could get away with wearing Lululemon leggings and an over-sized Aerie sweater to work the next day. I settled on no but that will be my uniform until warmer temperatures head this way. Today is actually cold – it’s 17 degrees. First COLD day we’ve had in a long, long time.

Tonight, Valentine’s Day, we’re going out for a nice dinner. I am suuuuuch a romantic and got him a card, a Superbook (local savings/coupon book) and a pair of casual, every day shoes (anything to keep him out of high-tops!). It was a toss up between a lobster and scallops meal in or going out, but I’ve been riddled with back pain and opted to skip the dishes tonight. I snuck in a 50-minute massage last evening and sadly, it did no good (despite feeling SO good). After pressing “publish” on this post, I’m going to do some major stretching — something I’m TERRIBLE at doing. I’m also taking a few days off the Peloton, as hard as that is for me! My back AND my quads will thank me, I imagine.

My family is coming for a visit tomorrow, just a day trip. I think we’ll go out to eat at some point and will probably go bowling. We haven’t been in a LONG time and I think it’s something the girls will enjoy.

We saw 4 deer in our yard this morning. They were so cute!

Nothing else to report here. We’re getting excited to meet up with my podcast co-host, Gina, and her family at Great Wolf Lodge and the following 2 weekends include hockey fun in one form or another. See, winter isn’t ALL bad πŸ™‚

Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy weekend!

Be well,

from Prevention RD
via Heart Based Marketing

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