Friday 19 February 2016

Family Friday (vol. 7): Randoms and Pictures

FF vol 7

I have absolutely nothing to enlighten you with today. To say I’ve entered into “survival mode” this past week would be an understatement. This viral whatever I’ve got, is now on day 12 and today might actually be the first day I don’t feel WORSE than the day prior. See how positive I am being with all of this?! It’s not improvement, per se, but it’s not any worse. And my headache has finally diminished some which is ideal timing given I’m home with a toddler all day.

You know how people always joke about “man colds” (no offense, gentlemen!)? What has a woman gotta do to check out of adulting on account of being ill? Mr. Prevention asked me yesterday morning how I was feeling and in my deep, scratchy, groggy, nasty voice answered his question. He quickly responded with, “You sound horrible. I feel so bad for you.” At least it’s the thought that counts? Sigh.


Carving out a little slice of TLC for myself last night, I did draw a warm bath, make myself a cup of hot herbal tea, and enjoyed a few chapters on my Kindle while Shea had some 1:1 with daddy. Note to self: do that more often!!

Dinners this week? Ugh. Chinese take-out, Chinese take-out leftovers, BLT’s, and chicken noodle soup (homemade). I’m amazed my wedding ring still fits. This morning was a fruit and veggie-packed smoothie for breakfast. Hello, nutrition. On the plus side, I strained the noodles, chicken, carrots, and celery from the broth of my homemade soup and Shea devoured the solids for lunch each day. I’ll have to remember to do that again soon.

Two little brags. One is silly. When I picked up Shea from daycare yesterday, she was blowing bubbles. The teacher was holding the wand and she could blow just right to create lots of little bubbles and she informed me that “not even the 2 1/2-year-olds can do that!” My second brag, which is much more brag-worthy, is that I plopped Shea on the toilet this week and she did a little something! I made a big to-do about it and there’s been no repeat since, but hey…it happened!

What else, what else? Oh, random. But along with not-so-hot food choices this week, I’ve also not worked out once. If you’re my FitBit friend, have mercy on me. I’m almost feeling like I can muster up the energy for a walk. I’m telling you, I haven’t been sick like this and for so LONG in…forever. I’m looking forward to getting back on track with my workouts after work next week!

Okay, that’s a lot of words that say absolutely nothing. I hope you and yours are healthier and happier than I this week. Any suggestions for what we should eat next week? I’m in a rut and need quick & easy ideas. Thank you in advance!

Happy weekend to you all!

Be well,


from Prevention RD
via Heart Based Marketing

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