Friday 29 April 2016

Friday FAQs: Coconut oil chocolate, food processors, sub for oats, vegan yogurt, and more!


Welcome to week three of Friday FAQs, a new series on Oh She Glows featuring your questions about OSG recipes, substitution ideas, cooking methods, ingredients, and kitchen tools! I hope you’ve been enjoying the series as much as I have so far. It’s been especially awesome to see you guys reaching out to help each other by offering up your own kitchen wisdom! Feel free to chime in at any point if you feel like you can offer some input to any of the questions. I’d love this series to be as collaborative as possible!

You can read the previous Friday FAQs here:


As always, feel free to send your questions my way via social media or the blog, and I’ll select some to feature in the coming weeks!

Q1:  Quick question—what was your recipe again for the coconut oil chocolate you made a few days ago and posted on your Snapchat? Seem to have lost the screenshot I took and my mold just arrived so I’m dying to try it out!

A: Hi Aguarin, I can definitely help you out. No one should have to go without this chocolate! If memory serves me correctly, my small batch recipe is: 3 tablespoons coconut oil (melted), 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 1/2 tablespoons pure maple syrup, and a pinch of pink salt to enhance the flavours. Whisk it all together and then chill it until it hardens. This recipe makes enough for one of these chocolate bar molds.

Q2: Hi Angela, What kind of food processor do you use? I’m in the market for a new one!

A: Hi James, I currently use this Cuisinart Food Processor, and I quite like it. I appreciate that it’s simpler than my previous model (which had multiple-sized bowls) and it works well for making nut butter, coconut butter, hummus, etc. It’s brushed stainless steel that comes in a white, black, or red accent colour.

Q3: What can I substitute for the oats in your Banana Bread Muffin Tops?

A: Hi Georgina, Oh that’s a tough one! Since the oats make up such a large proportion of this recipe I really don’t know a direct substitute offhand. My guess would be to try a mixture of quinoa flakes, ground almonds, and a different flour, but it would be an experiment for sure! I’ll have to keep your request in mind for a future recipe spin-off. If you try anything out, please leave a comment and let us know how it went. (And if any other readers have tried anything that worked out well, please leave a comment and let us know!)

Q4: Where do you buy your nutritional yeast, Angela?

A: I buy nutritional yeast at Organic Garage, Whole Foods, and Fortinos/Loblaws. Be sure to check the natural foods/gluten-free section of your grocery store (if they have one) as it’s often hiding around there. You can also find it online.

Q5: What kind of bread are you using that’s vegan?

A: Hey Kim, My current fave bread is by Thornbury Bakery in Ontario (Original Chia kind). It’s vegan, gluten-free, and absolutely amazing as a base for avocado toast! I store a loaf in the freezer so I always have some on hand.

Q6: Samantha writes, I’m slowly transitioning to a plant-based diet, but the one thing I can’t seem to let go of is my Greek yogurt. I’m wondering what your favourite vegan yogurt is?

A: Hey Samantha, Great question! To be honest, I don’t buy store-bought vegan yogurt very often. I do think the So Delicious Cultured Coconut Milk variety is decent though, and they have a new Greek style yogurt which I haven’t had a chance to try out yet! When I really have a yogurt craving, I love to whip up a batch of my Super Thick Coconut Yogurt. It’s such a luxurious treat and satisfies my craving every time! You can’t beat that it’s just a few ingredients either.

Comments of the week:

Nonny writes, Super app & cookbook—btw, I’m literally "cooking this cookbook"! Ever see the movie "Julie & Julia"? Well, the idea of cooking a cookbook sounded fun—but, "what cookbook"? For me, the OSG’s cookbook is the one! I’ve made about 50 recipes now w/@ a 95% "love it" rating! The app has been a distraction —haha —more great recipes orchestrated beautifully & couldn’t be more user friendly! Thanks Angela :)

I’m so flattered, Nonny! What an awesome project. It’s wonderful to hear you’ve been enjoying all the recipes, and now the app. Thanks for letting me know. Your comment really made my day!

Lindsay writes, This Glowing Spiced Lentil Soup was fantastic. My toddler was NOT happy when I set her bowl in front of her, she hasn’t been a fan of soup for a while now. I made jasmine rice to go with it, so once it was all mixed together she tried it and said ‘mom why didn’t you tell me this was going to be good?’ She not only finished her first bowl but had seconds. Great recipe!

Hi Lindsay, that is too cute! You never quite know what a toddler will do, right? I’m so glad this soup helped change her mind. Adriana is a big fan of it too (well, the amount she does get into her mouth, that is). I love your idea of mixing jasmine rice into it; I’ll have to try that soon. I’ve been all about rice lately!

Have a lovely weekend, everyone! See you next week. Until then, you can catch me on Snapchat (my username is Angelaliddon). Also, a quick heads up that our next newsletter will go out on Tuesday!

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