Saturday 25 January 2020

Family Friday (vol. 106): January Randoms

I’m a day late on my Family Friday update. I had it all mentally mapped out but after a crazy week at work and evening committments after work, it just never happened. I hate weeks like that, but I didn’t mind a 5 course meal served by a local chef with a wine pairing for each course. I mean, that’s never a bad Thursday. The 2017 Caymus Cabrinet Sauvignon was life-changing and $90 bottles of wine may end up on my birthday/Christmas wish list. I’m eye-rolling myself right now. Seriously, it was that good.

My book club met on Wednesday night and we watched the Amazon series Modern Love in lieu of reading a book. The series was good and good discussion for anyone looking to change things up in their book club, or just for their next series to binge on. It’s a short binge – 8 episodes of about 30 minutes each. Lots of great actors and actresses, too.

The girls are good — healthy, unlike everyone around us. ::knocking on so much wood:: The evenings have been a bit touch and go. When I walk in the door from work, every day one of them is in tears. On Tuesday, I had to take Shea to another room and just held her as she cried uncontrollably. I think it’s a combination of being over-tired, hungry, and emotional by nature. As soon as I correct her or use a tone of reprimand, she immediately jumps to “why don’t you love me?”. Man, does she have my number. Heartstrings pulled. Piper has been similarly challenging in the early evening hours and in many ways, I feel as though the “witching hours” of infancy are back in full force. In a perfect world, they’d both nap and would go to bed a bit later…but Shea won’t nap and Piper won’t nap consistently, especially at home. Long, busy days are tough on us all.

Note to self: sign both girls up for swimming lessons. I’d like to think summer is right around the corner šŸ™‚

I did something to my right foot yesterday at tennis. It REALLY hurts. I’m currently icing it and will use some KT tape. I should probably not play hockey tomorrow, but, but… šŸ™ I am the worst injured person/patient ever.

Next month, we’re booked to go to Great Wolf Lodge with my pocast co-host, Gina, and her family. Can’t wait! It’ll be the perfect little getaway to break up the winter. A 2 1/2 hours drive it totally doable. I’m yet to drive further than 3 hours with the kids and I’m proud to say we’ve never used technology in the car. We always encourage books, sleep, singing, and taking toys with. My car may looks like a giant toy box by the end, but I want to hold off on technology as a babysitter as long as possible. I reserve that for the times I have to take the girls to work with me on random Fridays and it works like a charm. šŸ™‚

On the topic of the podcast, I have to pat ourselves on the back a bit. There’s a week left in January and our downloads are already up 60% from last month. After 13 months of consistent content and hard work on the podcast, it’s so rewarding to see others finding our show…and loving our show! We have received so many amazing messages on our Instagram and over email – please know it means a lot! And thanks to our friends and family who support the show (and my blog, too!). You guys are the best! Even my MOM is a listener now. And my (guy) friend from hockey this week goes, “I learned a lot from the breastfeeding episide, it was really interesting!”. Should he have a child someday, he’ll be much better prepared, haha! So anyway, thank you for all of the support and love poured out for our show.

Work has been insane and great. Historically, my team has operated as an out-patient diabetes and nutrition service line. A year ago, we started rounding on diabetics in the hospital with an A1c > 8%. The pilot was a huge success and we justified a full-time Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) in the hospital. HUGE. We’ve now hired that position and am in the process of prioritizing projects and procedures, coordinting with nursing, pharmacy, hospitalists, etc. We want to start involvement on the discharge planning side of things to see if we can improve med management (less use of insulin, more use of AACE guidelines — SGLT2’s, GLP-1s, DPP4s, and even metformin, etc) and improve the transition of care from in-patient to out-patient using CDEs. AND…just this week, pre-surgery planning approached us about CDE involvement in the pre-surgery care of the diabetic in the way of intensive insulin management to improve glycemic control in the days/weeks leading up to surgery. We know this reduces complications and reduces healing time and length of stay. In summary, we’re going from out-patient only to out-patient, in-patient, and involved in the transitions of care from out-patient to in-patient AND in-patient to out-patient…and doing this with no additional staff. For now. Whewwwwwww. All good, but man, work has been insane.

We’re also getting a point-of-care A1c analyzer next week in our clinic. I’M SO EXCITED!

In totally unrelated news, I bought the Thug Kitchen cookbook based on a friend’s recommendation. I posted it on my Instagram and it ends up everyone loves the book. I plan to cook from it lots in the coming weeks so stay tuned!

Today we’re heading to a local beer fest – very excited for that! Lots of friends going and should be a great time.

Laundry, brunch, and ice-skating for Shea before then, however. Better run. Have a great weekend!

Be well,

from Prevention RD
via Heart Based Marketing

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